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Ware's the Fun Palace - Volunteers Wanted!

Posted: Fri 13 Sep 2019 12:49 pm
by Damo5
Ware's the Fun Palace will be returning to the Southern Maltings for the third year for Fun Palaces weekend on October 5th and 6th.
Fun Palaces are community delivered events that provide the opportunity for people, young, old and everything in-between, to participate in a range of activities around the thems of arts, craft, science and technology.

As with all community events, Ware's the Fun Palace relies on volunteers and we could really use some more help!
There are a whole range of tasks that make an event like this work, such signing participants in, helping with sessions, running the refreshments to simply chatting with visitors!
If you have a few hours on either Saturday 5th or Sunday 6th and would like to help make this the biggest and best Fun Palace in Ware then please get in touch via our website